
Nora Huszka


Beruf: Artist


Ausbildung: Speech therapist


Website: www.norahuszka.com


Instagram: @norahuszkaarts


Facebook: www.facebook.com/norahuszkaarts


Vereinsmitglied Nora Huszka

Wann macht dich deine Arbeit glücklich?
Day and night. But I specially love those moments, when my art connects dots inside me that I couldn’t see clear during the process. I love how every step we take makes sense by time.

Was/wer inspiriert dich?
Honesty. Relationships. The Moon. All that I see and feel when I close my eyes.


Die wichtigste Lektion die Du bisher gelernt hast?
Just go for it. Do not wait until it’s perfect, it is the doing that will shape it to its own perfection.


Welcher ist dein Lieblings-Wochentag?
I can’t say. As many freelancers know and live by, every week, every day is different. Any day has the potential to be my favorite day!


Dieses Buch sollte jeder gelesen haben:
How about my latest book, Flying Pages? Did you read it already?


Zu welcher Musik tanzt Du am liebsten?
60’s, 70’s soul.


Der beste Rat den Du je bekommen hast?
To discover and integrate grey. I did not use or consider gray as color for very long. Only when I discovered how grey can hold space for intensity, I recognized my true colors.


Welches Wort benutzt Du am häufigsten?


Mit wem würdest Du gern im Fahrstuhl stecken bleiben?
The Dalai Lama. Perfect location for a deep meditation together.


In welchem Gebäude/Geschäft wärst Du gerne eine Nacht eingeschlossen?
A beautiful church with a library.


Wenn wir dich zuhause besuchen, was würdest Du für uns kochen?
A soup!


Was planst Du als nächstes?
I am very interested in painting more abstract. I sense that painting and writing, both, are getting detached from what we consider visible and invite me to discover new inner worlds.


